2024 International Conference on Simulation and Electronic Technology (ICSET 2024)
Call For Papers
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Call For Papers

2024 International Conference on Simulation and Electronic Technology (ICSET 2024) will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Track 1 : High-performance simulation computing 

Parallel Computing and Acceleration Technology 

Large-scale distributed simulation 

Edge computing and simulation integration 

Adaptive load balancing 

Quantum computing simulation 

Efficient numerical methods

Track 2 : Intelligent electronic system 

Low power consumption design of Internet of things equipment 

Edge AI and automation control 

Intelligent sensor network 

Wireless communication optimization 

Electronic control of autonomous system

Track 4 : System Simulation and Modeling 

Multi-scale physical system simulation 

Real-time simulation and parallel processing 

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Simulation 

Application of Machine Learning in Simulation 

Complex system modeling and simulation 

Digital twin technology

Track 3 : Advanced Electronic Materials and Devices 

Design of nanoelectronic devices 

Flexible Electronic Technology 

High frequency electronic devices 

Power semiconductor technology 

Optoelectronic integration 

Electronic technology of carbon-based materials

Track 5 : Intelligent Control and Automation 

Adaptive control system 

Manufacturing automation 

Robot control and coordination